Maricopa Skill Center Northwest Campus on 29th Ave. and Bell Rd. |
The doors are finally opened! Maricopa Skill Center (MSC) Northwest Campus has expanded its campus to the Northwest Valley and officially opened its doors to the public this past August. While the Cosmetology and Aesthetician programs are currently open for
enrollment, additional programs in Business & Technology, Health Care, and Trades are in progress of development.
Student Services front desk at NWC. |
Brand new furniture (Goodmans Interior Structures) and equipment have been installed at the Northwest Campus to meet the needs of students, instructors, and staff. As you can see, here is our before and after progression:
Lecture Classroom
Cosmetology Classroom
Aesthetician Classroom/Clinic
Cosmetology Clinic/Salon
Want to see more? Stop by for a tour at our brand new campus located on 2931 W. Bell Road in Phoenix. For more information, call 602.392.5000 or email us at mscnorthwest@gatewaycc.edu.
Stay tuned for more updates!