Monday, December 5, 2011

Making Solid Changes: Countdown to Conversions at MSC

By: Tony Grandlienard

--DAY 164--

Rain collects on the West side of MSC, except this time it's not in a pile of dirt. This time, the water has something to trickle down upon, a concrete structure with transparent glass walls. Soil also collects the rain, supporting the newly-planted trees and shrubs that surround it. New life has begun.

Trees and plants surround the new West building

As the seasons continue to change, so does MSC's campus. The plants and completion of the West building's structure give a breath of fresh air to our campus which has been under construction (and dust) since June. These changes are amounting to the start of the revitalization of MSC's future.

Yes, we're getting there.

If you haven't noticed or yet had the opportunity to check out the West building, I suggest you do. Chances are it will appear different since the last time you saw it. With the structure of the West building complete, construction crews are now working inside the building on the overall layout. As they install the drywall and electric work, you can envision students and faculty roaming the halls admiring their new building with pride.

The West building should be complete by March 2012. But until then, here are all your MSC updates:

-West parking lot now officially open to everyone (use 12th Street)
-New restrooms on the South side of campus (includes a family/disability restroom)
-Plants and trees planted along walkways and around West building
-Glass walls installed on West building
-Practical nursing classroom near completion
-Former Accounting/Computer Foundations classroom beginning reconstruction

South campus's new restrooms

Training Program Classrooms Completed:
-Construction Trades 
-Computer Support
-Computer Foundations

Not only is MSC going green by using sustainable materials to build the West building, but we are also on the verge of adding new programs.Our new Green Builder programs will offer certificates in:

West building

Coming Soon:
Most rooms inside the current building are being renovated or close to renovation. Once the West building is complete, many programs will move into it while the current building gets updated. 

As always check our blog for all construction updates regularly. For all news, contests, and photos regarding MSC and Maricopa Community Colleges follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Read this blog which is important for the people who wants to know more about the Solar panel courses..
